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The versatile application possibilities of film productions

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:54 am
by Tarun

The application possibilities of a film are versatile.  According to the principle "Single Source - Multiple Media" your film can move on different channels.  Let us illustrate this with the example of our image film for Emz - smart solutions:

Customer:.  Emz develops and produces electro-mechanical and electronic components, assemblies and complete units as application-specific solutions.

Product: Modular movie solution for video-based B2B communications in seven countries

The manufacturer of components and complete solutions positions itself sympathetically and progressively with the business partner.  The central argument is the intelligence of the products and the intelligence of the people behind it.  Intelligence is not a question of size, because the emz solutions are rather small compared to the effect.  This approach is illustrated with the help of a parallel story: The film dog copes with intelligence tasks for which he is actually too small.  The blue-chrome look represents the technical orientation and follows the CI.

The film is produced according to a building block concept.  It consists of components on the topics of recruiting, home technology, environmental technology, home appliances and about us.

In the former line, the film is intended as an image film and is also used as such in various target markets.  Further areas of application for this test film production  are opened up by minor changes in post production. 
There is a cut down for each topic, so that the customer can 5 clips on the topics of recruiting, building services, environmental technology, home appliances, and we get about us and use them more specifically. 
Even a non-modular approach, however, can still vary widely: By maintaining the most beautiful scenes, the video production  an be reduced in their playing time to the length of commercials.  Thus, your film production has the potential for TV advertising or can be used in social media with reduced playing time or as a prerol spot.