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Car Maintenance During Lockdown

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:15 pm
by parambyte

  With the Lockdown making our cars immobile, and then the double whammy of monsoons, how do we ensure our vehicles get the maintenance they need?

When a car is in use, the batteries keep charging, the tyres stay in good shape, the oils are circulated etc. With stationary vehicles what do you need to do to ensure your beloved car is in top shape when you need it?

O'Neil Parker, 1100cc & 1600 cc category ex-rally navigator and motor sport enthusiast, discusses what basic things we need to know, and do, for our cars.

Duration: 30 Minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.

Language: English.

Method: Over Zoom Video.

An email with a link and password will be sent about an hour before the event beings on June 22, 7pm, India Time. Make sure you have Zoom installed and working.


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